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do not become a victim

Ex-Wife's Statement

NOTE: Names have been removed to comply with privacy rules. Please view here for further information. The devious individual shall be referred to as 'IBC The Scammer'.

2021 was life changing. In 2010, I met the person I thought was ultimately my best friend and I would spend forever with. In the last decade, I encountered certain disappointments and betrayals by 'IBC The Scammer', but nothing prepared or would have prepared me for what 2021 uncovered.

With evidence literally still spilling out the floodgates in the last few months, there is no doubt that 'IBC The Scammer' is a criminal mastermind. A scam artist, an evil shadow who has mimicked family and friends for far longer than we could imagine. He is a grifter, a pathological liar. He slithers into circles and garners trust by mirroring what he believes you want to see. He studies you. He depicts what the values around you represent.  

In June 2021, I ended my marriage with 'IBC The Scammer' after discovering what I didn’t even realise was the first of many. A friend of his got in touch, he owed him a significant amount of money.
Prior to this, I had always discussed or confronted him with anything where I couldn’t grasp the full picture. I always believed I was alert. I would always address it. Unfortunately, that was the error - Confronting 'IBC The Scammer' gave him an opportunity to not only gaslight me but cover up his lies and evil, making me feel like I was insane. What I’ve now discovered is that he would go to any and every length. You could not make it up. What could I not have dreamt that I haven’t uncovered?


  • Changing, blocking and deleting numbers on my phone

  • Using my phone and pretending to be me while chatting with different people;

  • His parents changing the ownership documents of my car, again without my knowledge, consent or signature;

  • Providing fake recordings of apparent conversations with banks to prove he is trying to pay us back;

  • Doctoring and faking contracts;

  • Forging betting licenses that he had been contracted to obtain;

  • Opening lines of credit in my name;

  • Renting cars and recently using my family home address as his place of residence/collection;

  • Creating Go Fund Me accounts pretending to be other people, one of which he used a friend’s name to set up the account;

  • Allegedly staging a break in at the home in Lagos with the hope I would find it when I returned - the safe was “broken into”, and all my jewellery gone.

  • Stealing money from our landlord after promising to transfer money for him;

  • Lying to people about just about everything including the fact that he has a 13 year old child that his parents knew about it but lied to my face about it.

Initially, I didn’t realise the extent of his lies and that he was a long con. I just knew that he was a pathological liar and I would never trust him again. We’ve since discovered several people that 'IBC The Scammer' owed debts to. Again, covered up with lies.

I didn’t uncover the truth all at once, it came in floods - almost daily sometimes.

Years earlier, we moved from Canada after I had my child. It was impromptu because 'IBC The Scammer' claimed he had a job offer, a consultancy with a company in Nigeria. He showed me “the contract”. In August 2021, not only did I discover that job offer was a lie and never happened (neither did the job), but also that 'IBC The Scammer' was banned from Canada. Hence the ruse to get us to leave Canada so suddenly.

He had been banned for "misrepresentation" on immigration applications. He had deleted any and all notifications sent to my email from the Canadian government and also forged my signature on documents to the Canadian government trying to appeal the decision. I discovered an entire identity, or multiple should I say. Of course, I have since contacted the Canadian government and informed them about this fraud.

'IBC The Scammer' was defrauding, stealing from and lying to everyone. He was not who I thought he was at all. As I came across evidence, I started reaching out to my friends and letting them know what I was uncovering. No one could believe it. His initial story to them was that he was making so much money and then made a loss, hence why he needed to be front-loaded some cash. Some people initially believed him but we eventually started discovering it was all a lie. There was never any money. Only forged bank statements, forged contracts, forged signatures ... forged birth certificates.

He had been ahead of us the entire time, studying all of us. He knew what moves to make, what to do because he was involved in a plan we were all oblivious to. My initial strategy when I started to find things out was to keep him in the dark to what I knew so we could draw him out and catch him without him even knowing what was coming. The thought that someone was so far ahead, years ahead, a decade ahead did not occur to us.

The discoveries did not (and have not) stopped coming. The more people I spoke to, the more victims I found. People I would never have connected him to. He lied to all of us that he was investing in crypto and kept each group in separate bubbles.

This criminal behaviour could not just have started, and surely I discovered it didn't. In August 2021, I found out as far back as 2008, he was known in different circles as a liar and a scammer.

People may think my family and I covered up for him. We didn’t and will not….we’re just not built that way. The business I believed he initially ran and then later sat on the board for, Wasere, apparently let him go. He was defrauding them, too. This happened years earlier and I never heard a single thing about it until August 2021. 'IBC The Scammer' made us believe that the company had focused on their Kenyan affiliate after Buhari came into power.

All along, he had told us and we believed that his main source of income was from Wasere. According to him, he had not been on a monthly income from Wasere since 2017. Instead, he told us that as a board member, he was receiving dividends. We asked to see evidence of all of this and he printed out contracts and documents to show my father, my mother and I – his excuse for lying and covering up that he wasn’t receiving his monthly income from Wasere was that he has been chasing them to pay his dividends. In August 2021, we discovered that he had been asked to leave Wasere even before 2016 after it was discovered he provided them with a fake betting license – this was after being paid by the company to procure a license from the lottery commission.

I’ve asked friends that he defrauded, and several others why they a) stayed friends with him and b) didn't say anything - most of them just said there was no point fighting with him over that amount of money.

'IBC The Scammer' believes he's smarter than all of us. ALL of us. I guess he was able to get away with this for so long that he truly believes he is unstoppable. The rat with 9 lives. From August to December, the number of things I have discovered is unbelievable.

I (We) want to catch him but he's still going, still lying, still conning. He's going to do it forever. He has been reported to the police in several countries but there is power in numbers. My case and filings have repeatedly been dubbed "domestic" because we were married. It is beyond frustrating when someone is so insidiously evil. This week, I still discovered someone who lent him money in 2015 who just moved on when 'IBC The Scammer' apparently ghosted him.

He came across as educated, thoughtful, kind and sincere but he is none of these things. A criminal mastermind who will stop at nothing to steal from people. Even supposedly selling passports to people who are yet to receive them (they won't, they never will).

I have spent the past few months helping to provide as much evidence as I can to some people who defrauded, hoping that he is caught, justice is served and that he is not able to do this to anyone else. However it hasn’t been easy.

'IBC The Scammer' created multiple friendship circles that had minimal contact with each other and to be honest we initially, didn't even know to trust, who to tell so that he wasn't given a heads up.

With the risk of sounding like the "vengeful" ex wife. I wanted people to come forward with their own stories, so it wasn't just me throwing accusations out in the air. I also didn’t want to alert him to the ongoing cases but honestly, he is a rat with 9 lives.

'IBC The Scammer' will stop at nothing. He is a criminal. He is a liar and a gaslighting, manipulative sociopath.

To 'IBC The Scammer' aka ‘the Predator, I know you’re reading this. You’ve been spreading absolute BS about me for years. Your lack of shame and the depth of your evil knows no bounds. You’re telling those that are still willing to listen, that I am trying to destroy you. From your lips to God’s ears. You have been your own undoing, I’m just helping you out.

Ex-Bestfriend's Statement

I met 'IBC The Scammer' in September 2008, during the first few weeks of my time at the University of Buckingham – we lived on the same floor of our university halls. We had common interests (going to the gym and playing football) and became friends. We then shared a house for 6 months in our 2nd year and whenever we went to Nigeria during our vacations we went to each other’s parents (and also in my case grandparents’) houses.


We remained very close even after university. He seemed obsessed with never having a job after university and instead starting up businesses of his own. I thought it was admirable that he was trying to create his own path and opportunities.


Years later I was a groomsman at his wedding and after that he asked if I would be godfather to his child.


In March 2021, we had done some research into cryptocurrency investments and found an opportunity. We decided to pull together finances for a larger investment, with more favourable terms. I sent him $7.5k, but we were unable to secure a slot for the investment. He was meant to send the money back to me, but he said the funds had got stuck during the transfer. I thought nothing of it and tried to get more information from the exchanges we were using.


He sent me a screenshot of the transfer he said he had made. I still thought nothing of it as this was my best friend. Why would he lie to me?


After the weeks turned into months, I thought something was off. There was no way a transaction could take that long to reverse or have problems with it resolved. I asked for the transaction details and he sent further screenshots of ‘a transaction’. I noticed a variance in the dates and asked why he was trying to withdraw the funds after we knew we had not got a slot… there was simply no need. He explained it as delays on the part of the exchange. I tried to speak with the exchange myself but that was when he stopped responding as often.


I thought he was going through personal issues that he was not ready to talk to me about. Trying to be there for my friend, I thought he maybe needed some space, but my wife kept insisting that I check on him, even if he was not responding to messages or answering calls.


In December 2021, I spoke to a mutual friend who to my shock told me that he was a “fraudster”. I was gobsmacked! I immediately called her, and she told me what had been going on and some of the things he had done to people I know – mutual friends of ours. I spoke with his now ex-wife, and she relayed even more allegations of things he had done.


In January 2022, evidence in support of many of the accusations came to light. There was so much evidence, that I started looking back at the screenshots he had sent me relating to the transfer that was allegedly stuck. It became obvious that they had been faked. This was his mode of operation. He had done it to me. I was clearly also a victim of his fraudulent activities.


Even after he had been found out, he was still trying to squirm his way out of trouble, by insisting that some of the money stolen from others (he claimed it was close to $250k), was locked in his Coinbase account. Through a tedious amount of work, and some luck, we were able to view the balance of the account. To no one’s surprise, this was as a lie. The account was empty. He had simply used this to buy himself time and stall the involvement of law enforcement.


He has shown that he is incapable of contrition and that he does not care about the impact his actions have on anyone, friends and family alike. He will go to any lengths to continue this behaviour as he knows no other life. He has infused this fraudulent character into his very being. Change, for him, is impossible. Do not believe ANYTHING he tells you or shows you. They are all lies!

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